Outstanding Service Award for Inspiring District Nurse
2 March 2023
David Pugh, a Queen’s Nurse and a senior nurse at Sirona care & health, has been presented with the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Award for Outstanding Service by the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI).
David, Sirona’s Assistant Locality Manager for South Gloucestershire, was presented with the award – after being nominated by his colleagues – by the QNI’s Chief Executive, Dr Crystal Oldman CBE.
The award is given to community nurses who provide exceptional care to their patients and demonstrate a continuing passion and enthusiasm for nursing. It is not a reward for length of service, but an acknowledgment that a nurse makes an exceptional individual contribution to patient care and the nursing profession.
The Award is given to only a handful of nurses every year, to those who have given truly exceptional care to their patients and made an outstanding contribution to the nursing profession.
David’s nursing career is an inspiration to many, and his collaborative and collegiate approach is warmly appreciated by all. His work in leading the National District Nursing Network (NDNN) over more than a decade has made a huge impact in the profession. He has grown the network from a handful of member organisations to almost 100 and the profile and strength of the NDNN in influencing nursing policy has grown year on year. The sharing and learning the network has enabled, under David’s leadership, a nationwide impact on the improvement of nursing care in the community. The majority of this work is done in David’s own time on top of a very busy senior role.
The Outstanding Service Award was originally created in the name of the Queen Mother, who was Patron of the QNI from 1953-2002. The late Queen Elizabeth II, also our Patron, agreed the Award could be offered in perpetuity.
Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QNI Chief ExecutiveI am absolutely honoured and humbled to have received this award. It means a lot to me, both personally and professionally. But I feel I'm accepting the award on behalf of my nursing colleagues at Sirona. Our nurses do an absolutely amazing job every day of the year, so I'm very proud and very humbled.
David Pugh, Queen's Nurse, Senior Nurse at Sirona care & healthDavid totally deserves this amazing award – he is passionate about the nursing profession and his role in promoting it. He has done so much to raise the profile of district nursing. "He was so humble in being given such a great honour, which is typical of David – he is one of the kindest, most authentic people I know and he totally embodies the values which are at the heart of everything we do at Sirona. He cares so much about his team, his colleagues, and people in our care.
I have only known David for a few years, but in that time, he has shown incredible compassion, resilience and strength. He is a total asset to the leadership team in South Gloucestershire, to Sirona, and to the nursing profession nationally. I would personally like to send him a massive congratulations on being awarded such an accolade, as I am sure would everyone who knows him and has worked with him - which was reflected by the huge number of people who joined us to see his award presented. Well done David – we are so proud of you!
Carrie Wedgwood, Sirona's Associate Locality Director for South GloucestershireDavid has received one of the rarest accolades given out by the Queen's Nursing Institute. David was nominated by his colleagues, and it's wonderful for David, fabulous for district nursing, and terrific for Sirona. Congratulations, David.
Amanda Cheesley, Chair of Sirona care & healthENDS
Photographs courtesy of Sirona care & health
The National District Nurses Network: https://www.npag.org.uk/our-services/benchmarking-clubs-best-value-groups/national-district-nurses-network/
Sirona care & health: https://www.sirona-cic.org.uk/