
Report by Nazir Afzal and Rise Associates on the internal culture of the NMC

Professor John Unsworth OBE, QNI Chair and Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QNI Chief Executive, wrote to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care yesterday (8th July 2024) asking for immediate action in response to the Nazir Afzal & Rise Associates shocking report on NMC culture.

The QNI is calling on all NMC registrants and nursing organisations to do the same.

The QNI is therefore calling for an urgent independent review of the NMC and the performance of its regulatory functions. Such a review is essential to restore public confidence and the confidence of the profession. It should include how the NMC manages fitness to practise cases, engages with the profession on standards and how standards are assured for individual entry to the register.

Professor John Unsworth OBE, Chair of the QNI; Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, Chief Executive of the QNI

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