Developing the community and public health nursing workforce and research careers (recording)

Community Nursing Research Consultant. He practices clinically as a Honorary Nurse Consultant in Palliative Care and leads a programme of community-based end of life care research at the University of…

Research Literature Review Resources

…create your own search strategy when someone else has designed, tested and validated one for you? This site pulls together a wealth of search filters to help you identify study…

QNI Annual Conference 2019

…always a valid approach to people entering the system. Many people for example visit the GP because they may be lonely, not because they are ill. A community link worker…

Claire Goodman

…into research work. Claire was appointed Professor of Health Care Research at the Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care at the University of Hertfordshire in 2005. Her research

The Power of Example: Small Sustainable Swaps for Big Impact

freezing them for later use. Reducing plastic use by buying household items with no or less plastic packaging, for example soap bars wrapped in paper, washing powder in a carton…

William Rathbone X Annual Award and Lecture 2024

…Foundation Trust Paula is a compassionate, courageous nurse leader who has worked within Community Services for more than 30 years. Passionate about providing high-quality, person-centred care, with unwavering commitment to…

Climate Change – Actions Community Nurses Can Take

and national opportunities exist, such as free trees for schools and communities (Woodland Trust – and the plant a tree for £5 initiative by the National Trust You…


…accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain…

Research Masterclass: Planning and navigating research ethical approvals (recording)

…the Community Nursing Research Forum Watch the recording Other masterclasses in the series: 14 December 2022 – Value of research for patients and community nursing with Professor Alison Leary (recording)…

So, whatโ€™s nextโ€ฆ a PhD?

…National Institute for Health and Care Research, NIHR School for Primary Care Research and charities such as the Marie Curie Research Grants Scheme. Many organisations will have themed calls that…