Welcome to the QNI General Practice Nurse Network (GPNN)! This network is funded by the National Garden Scheme and has been specifically developed for all General Practice Nurses across England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The aim of this network is to provide you with the opportunity:

  • to be part of a national network for experienced and nurses new to general practice nursing.
  • to network and share best practice with your GPN contemporaries.
  • to discover how to articulate your value as an autonomous practitioner within the primary care team.
  • to discuss innovative approaches to improving and articulating best practice for patients in primary care.
  • for headspace for your learning and time for you to consider collaborating with other GPNs to raise the profile and voice of General Practice Nursing.

The General Practice Nurse Network offers:

  • Quarterly email newsletter with updates and meeting summaries.
  • Quarterly themed 1.5-hour online webinars with key speakers and specialty leads.
  • Membership of a closed Facebook group to connect with fellow GPNs.

3 steps to joining the GPN Network:

  1. Join the network here
  2. Join the closed (private) Facebook group here
  3. Sign up to the webinars (you will have to do this for each webinar that you would like to attend).


Thank you to our partner The National Garden Scheme for funding this network.


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