One of the QNI core values is “Partnership: with people, organisations and policy makers, ensuring individuals, families, carers and communities are at the heart of all we do”.

The QNI has committed to supporting unpaid carers of all ages including young carers in the community for many years, recognising the invaluable role they play but also the health inequalities they face.

The Carers Trust defines a young carer as: “someone aged under 18 who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Older young carers are also known as young adult carers and they may have different support needs to younger carers.”

Through early identification, support and signposting children and young people who have caring responsibilities can receive the help and support they need and are entitled to.

The Young Carers Covenant was launched on Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) 2024. The covenant was coproduced with young carers identifying 10 outcomes they said were key to improving their lives. The QNI was proud to be one of the first organisations to sign the covenant and as YCAD 2025 approaches its time to reflect on the exciting journey so far…



  • Signed Young Carer Covenant


  • Presented at International Young Carers Conference with Tom and Sara Experts by Experience and QN Project Leads
  • Represented the QNI – Roundtable US Government


  • Represented QNI Young Carers Strategic Oversight Board
  • Shadowed Children’s Matron and visited Children’s Community Nursing Team
  • Face to face “coffee and catch up” Tom and Sara Experts by Experience
  • Raising Awareness of Carers Week in QN Update


  • Shared Carers Week blog
  • Presented at Yorkshire and Humber QN network


  • Presented at CCN / SAPHNA network
  • Presented at QNI UKCCN network
  • Attended NHSE Commitment to Carers Webinar – Young Minds


  • Facilitated discussion at Long Covid network meeting
  • Represented the QNI – Young Carers Strategic Oversight Board
  • Attended Transforming Educational Opportunities YC Study Day
  • Raised Awareness at QN Update
  • Represented QNI 0-19 Professional Organisations OHID


  • Wrote Carers Rights Day blog
  • Facilitated discussion International Nurses Development Programme
  • Arranged presenter and “in conversation” for QNI Conference
  • Raised awareness of Carers Week in QN Update


  • Created content and updated Supporting Carers Webpage
  • Created “5 Steps to get Started” tool
  • Attended NHSE Commitment to Carers Webinar – Young Carer Voice
  • Represented QNI – 0-19 Professional Organisations meeting OHID
  • Provided information r.e School Nurse role and YC OHID


  • Presented at YC “takeover” QNI Homeless and Inclusion Health Network – Policy, Practice and Research



  • Arranged presenter QNI Long Covid Network
  • Represented QNI 0-19 Professional Organisations OHID


  • Represented QNI – Young Carers Strategic Oversight Board
  • Attended and network CYP Lost Learning Conference
  • Awareness Raising Young Carers Action Day QN Update

Signing the covenant formalised the QNI commitment to young carers and provides evidence practice is aligned to the QNI strategic priorities and goals. One of which is ‘Influence’:

Through Policy Influence and Development, the QNI aims to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, carers, families and communities by influencing local, national and international policy, including through the use of the nurse’s voice.

Representing the QNI at national groups including Young Carers Strategic Oversight Group and 0-19 Professional Organisations meetings puts community nursing “up front and centre”. The opportunity is taken to share excellent practice led by community nurses and influence policy and practice. Attending also provides a platform to highlight the vital role of community nurses whether advocating for greater numbers of school nurses and health visitors who could identify children or young people at the earliest opportunity or discussing the critical role of the GPN in Primary Care supporting young carers to have good physical and mental health.

Presenting and arranging presenters for QNI national networks events provides opportunities to raise awareness across all fields of practice and all settings within community nursing. At the Homeless and Inclusion Health network presenters shared case studies including from Health Visitors how they ensured young carers are safe and secure, can access and benefit from the rights they have, and are able to thrive in education. There was a request at the end of the meeting to continue the conversation and explore ways to share the excellent work that was showcased during the meeting.

We loved having you and sharing all our enthusiasm and passion for nursing but especially for children and young people. I had more conversations about young carers today, so it is already starting to have an impact in our conversations.

Feedback from shadowing Children’s Matron and visit Children's Community Nursing Team

Signing the covenant is not a “one off” event it is an ongoing commitment to agree:

  • young carers and young adult carers are children and young people first and should be recognised and listened to
  • young carers and young adult carers should not take on caring roles which are inappropriate, excessive or which negatively impact their life opportunities, health or well-being.
  • actively work towards supporting young carers and young adult carers to achieve the ten outcomes of the covenant.

The QNI has laid a firm foundation on which to build and recognises the progress this first year of signing the Young Carers Covenant and as a call to action urges your organisation to sign up too. Collectively with our partners and stakeholders we will make a difference. The QNI commits to continue not just next year but for many years to come – our children and young people deserve it.

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