The Homeless and Inclusion Health Nurse role, funded by the NHS Better Care Fund, commenced in May 2021 (in addition to a one day a week secondment funded by North Devon Council that started in September 2020).

This presentation (SEE RIGHT) outlines the successes of this Homeless and Inclusion Health Nurse role.

The role is based at The Freedom Centre in Barnstaple, North Devon where many different agencies are co-located to provide support and intervention for those experiencing homelessness or who are vulnerably housed.

The multi-disciplinary teams comprises Mental Health Nurse, Environmental Health Officer, Freedom Centre Charity Support Workers, Rough Sleeping Housing Officer, Together Drug and Alcohol Worker, North Devon Council Lead for Rough Sleepers, Police, GP, Probation Services, DWP.

To date the Northern Devon Healthcare Trust Nurse role has included:

Outreach work: providing support and first aid on the streets/ fields of North Devon, provision of equipment, signposting, Hepatitis C screening with Hep C Trust Workers, Covid testing.

At the Freedom Centre; Health Assessments, Blood tests, Blood borne virus screening, leg ulcer treatment, wound care, skin care, Covid testing and vaccinations.

In the near future:

  • Oral Health Education and training to Rough sleeper outreach team in collaboration with Devon Salaried Dental Services.
  • Sexual Health Education, Training and Joint Working at The Freedom Centre.
  • Seasonal flu vaccinations
  • Covid testing and vaccinations, new and booster.
  • Podiatry and Optician engagement.

Lived Experience Films:
