This summer, I had a wonderful experience working with the QNI as a Policy and Communications intern.

As a medical student, the role provided me with a unique perspective on healthcare, and I enjoyed how varied the role was, from working on the charity’s communications to attending a leadership programme study day in London.

My first days were really enjoyable, and I was grateful to be able to meet many of the staff in person, who were all so welcoming! Before the internship, I had explored the QNI website with enthusiasm for the QNI’s work, and it was amazing to see this come to life as I spoke to staff. I learnt more about the life-changing Support for Nurses schemes to the ambitious national standards for nurse education and practice.

Healthcare Policy

I began my internship during the general election campaign, giving me the opportunity to delve into the field of policy research. As a medical student at Oxford, I found the literature very different from the scientific research I am accustomed to. Discovering the profound impact that policies have on healthcare delivery was eye-opening, and I found I enjoyed exploring the work of health think tanks and writing policy briefings. Through this, I learnt more about the current state of the NHS and the benefits of community-based care, and I am now keen to stay up to date with health policy news and research.

I also enjoyed attending the QNI professional network meetings where I learnt about a variety of topics, including novel research into Long Covid and the crucial need for improved homeless and inclusion healthcare. These events made me realise how broad community nursing is, and I gained a much greater appreciation for nurses and the vital work they do.

Nursing Heritage

A memorable project I was involved with was editing the QNI Heritage website. It was fascinating to step back in history, browse the website’s archives of stories, albums and films, and learn about the UK’s history of District Nursing since 1859 and the QNI’s origins. It was the first time I had edited websites, but with support from colleagues I developed this skill, and it was rewarding to help bring the QNI’s rich history to a bigger audience.

I also worked on the Clinical Resources section of the General Practice Nurse Education Network website, and created events and news posts on the QNI website, which I have really enjoyed.

Throughout the internship, I have had the chance to edit reports and blogs for the QNI, and it has been great to see the journey from an initial text document to a published piece, and all the work the Communications Team puts in behind this!

I have also had the opportunity to post across the QNI’s social media accounts, and write a news article about a new study supporting the early identification of pressure injuries in people with dark skin tones. Creating engaging and informative content for community nurses has been a highlight of my internship.


One of the most impactful events I attended was an Ambition to Lead study day, which focussed on the importance of brave conversations. It was a thought-provoking day as I listened to nurses reflect, practice these conversations, and develop their leadership skills. In particular, it was both moving and inspiring to hear from Helené Donnelly, and the establishment of the Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Guardians. The importance of speaking up is something I will carry through my clinical studies.

I have had an amazing time during my internship with the QNI! Through the internship, I have gained a greater appreciation of the importance of community-based healthcare, policy advocacy, and the work of nurses. I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone at the QNI, especially the Communications Team, for supporting me throughout the internship and making my experience truly enjoyable. I have learnt a lot and continue to be inspired by the QNI, and I am excited to see the future work of the QNI!

Zainab Bhamji, QNI Policy and Communications Intern (June – August 2024)


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