This free 1-hour masterclass by Donna Clements will focus on routes into research for community nurses.

This masterclass is part of a series of events by the QNI’s Community Nursing Research Forum and is open to all community nurses and midwives interested in research.

Donna will discuss the community nurse gap in research, as well as define the different types of research that community nurses can get involved in.

Donna is Clinical Research Nurse and Senior Research Leader at Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust. She has been working as a nurse in research since 2007 when she started coordinating an international drug study with a consultant neurologist at her hospital. She completed a MSc in Clinical Research and moved into Primary and Community Care research delivery in 2017. In 2023, she became a Senior Research Leader to build capacity and capability for community nurses to build research into their careers. She also sits on the national Working Group for the Community Healthcare Alliance of Research Trusts (CHART).

Other masterclasses in the series:


Past masterclasses:

Event details

Date and time

5 September 2024


Online via Zoom

Video title

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