The QNI has launched a new report on how community nurses can improve the health of male patients.
The report is informed by the work of nine nursing teams who were awarded funding by The QNI for year-long projects in 2017. The projects were led by nurses in various specialisms in the community and primary care including sexual health, general practice, homeless health, Health Visiting and integrated services including mental health.
These projects covered a very wide range of physical and mental health issues, including improving men’s uptake of National Health Service (NHS) Health Checks and their wider use of general practice, engaging military veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a new treatment programme and enhancing the health and wellbeing of men taking antipsychotic medication, providing a foot care service to homeless men, increasing the uptake of sexual health screening by university students, supporting men who are transitioning to fatherhood and engaging obese men in the pre-retirement age range in a weight management programme.