The aim of the project was to develop a programme of holistic support for people with life-limiting illnesses and their carers.
Patients and their families can feel very isolated, particularly at the point at which they have just been told there is no chance of a cure for their condition and any further treatment offered will only be palliative.
This often leads to anxiety and depression, and even despair, which can seriously affect people’s ability to engage in normal life and achieve their priorities, just when time is becoming very precious.
The Well Being Progamme has given them an opportunity to receive positive help and support from both professionals and one another, and help them feel more in control of their situation.
All participants attended all workshops.
All participants reported better understanding of non-pharmacological methods of symptom control.
All participants reported positively on the benefits from peer support for palliative patients in the local community.
Eight booklets covering the main topics of the course and a meditation CD
A teaching pack for the complete programme
Palliative Wellbeing Programme poster
Programme Case study
‘John’ and his wife ‘Irene’ attended the second Palliative Wellbeing Programme. John had been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2009, and he had had surgery to remove the majority of his oesophagus and part of his stomach. He was experiencing fatigue, eating difficulties, depression, anxiety and lack of motivation. He did little around the house, and was dependent upon Irene. There were clues that Irene was also finding her position quite difficult and frustrating.
However, throughout the sessions, John seemed to be more involved in discussions, and less dependent upon Irene. Irene began to speak more from her own point of view, rather than framed around John’s condition. Somehow their relationship seemed more equal, and they both seemed happier and more relaxed, joining in with the exercises and meditation, and enjoying them.
At the end of the Programme they thanked us and said that they were both sorry that it was finished, that they had enjoyed it and that it had helped them. Irene told me that the session on Communication had been very difficult for her, but it had raised something that she knew was worrying her but had not been able to express, or talk to John about. As a result of that session, they had talked together and ‘sorted things out’.