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Julia Cumberlege comes from a medical family. After a period in Local Government, she was appointed to Chair the Brighton Health Authority and subsequently the South West Thames Regional Health Authority.

In 1992 Julia was appointed a Junior Health Minister and for five years covered all health and social services matters in the House of Lords. Julia has been commissioned by two Governments to produce two national reports: Neighbourhood Nursing – a Focus for Care, which introduced the concept of Nurse prescribing, and Changing Childbirth, which prompted Continuity of Carer and women-centred care.

In 2004 at the invitation of the Royal College of Physicians, Julia chaired a working party to study Medical Professionalism. The report “Doctors in Society” was published in December 2005. In 2006 she chaired a working party for the College on the future of the medical profession. The report “Future Physician, Changing Doctors in Changing Times” was published in May 2010. From 2000 until July 2006 Julia chaired St George’s, University of London, a medical school in South West London. In June 2006 Julia was awarded an honorary degree from London University. She has recently chaired and completed a Review of the National Maternity Services (‘Better Births’ – improving outcomes from maternity services in England (2016) and has a wealth of experience in healthcare leadership.

Julia is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners. She is involved in a number of charities and is Patron of the National Childbirth Trust, Julia is also a Vice President and Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwives.