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Rosamund Bryar is Emeritus Professor of Community and Public Health Nursing at City University in London.

She has been involved in service development, education, research and research capacity building in health visiting and primary health care since the mid 1980’s. She is a graduate of the nursing degree programme at the University of Manchester and has held health visiting and academic posts in London, Wales and Hull.

She was appointed as a Fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute in 2005. Her initial research experience was in midwifery and the 2nd edition of Theory for Midwifery Practice co-edited with Professor Marlene Sinclair was published in 2011. She is co-editor, with Professor Sally Kendall, of the journal Primary Health Care Research and Development and with Sally co-chair of the charity International Collaboration for Community Health Nursing Research. She is co-author with Jean Orr of the Community chapter in the new edition of the health visiting text book: Luker K, Orr J and McHugh GA (Eds) 2012 Health Visiting: A Rediscovery.