Care Home Nursing
- Blog post
My transformative six week placement in social care
"My six-week placement in a social care setting has differed from my usual placements but has offered me valuable insights into providing care from a social care perspective - one that prioritises quality of life over curative interventions. I would like to share how it has helped shape my skills, the transferable insights I've gained, and the broader implications for nursing students."
- Event
Sustainability in Adult Social Care: Continence and Containment Products
Sustainability in nursing practice, focusing on adult social care.
- News item
Hear Well project wins Nursing Times Social Care Award
Care UK’s Hear Well Project, which evaluates the impact of identifying and treating reversible hearing loss, and was developed with the support of the QNI's Community Nursing Innovation Programme, was the winner of the ‘Nursing in Social Care’ category at this year’s Nursing Times Awards.
- News item
International Nurses’ Day 2022
The world celebrates nurses on International Nurses' Day and we thank them for their skill and compassion in supporting health and wellbeing everywhere.
- Event
Care Home Nurses Network Meeting
The next Care Home Nurses Network meeting is Thursday 27 March. We look forward to seeing you there!
- News item
New Book Celebrates Achievements of Community Nursing
The Queen’s Nurses represent diverse specialisms and taken together the book provides a glimpse into a world of professional expertise and person-centred care that is not often portrayed in the wider media.
- Practice standard
New Education and Practice Standards for Care Home Nurses Launched
The first ever standards for nurses working in residential homes have been published by the QNI.
- News item
- Press release
New support for nurses in the fight against Coronavirus
The Queen’s Nursing Institute has launched a range of new online support to community nurses who are in the front line in the battle against the Coronavirus outbreak.
- Blog post

- Guidance
- Learning resource
- Publication
- Transition
Transition to Care Home Nursing
This resource is intended for registered nurses who may have overall responsibility for nursing within the care home environment, as well as educators, students, and unregistered carers who work in this setting. You can download a sample chapter via this link or purchase a complete hard copy from The QNI Shop.