Applications for projects starting in 2024 are now closed. 

The QNI welcomes applications from nurses in community settings who have innovative ideas to improve diabetes care. The programme is open to nurses working in any community setting, including primary care and social care. The scheme is not limited to NHS organisations – if you work for a charity, community interest company, or GP practice for example, you are also eligible (though private/for profit companies are excluded).

We are able to fund seven projects in 2024, thanks to funding from The Burdett Trust for Nursing. Each successful project will receive up to £5000 and support from the QNI including three 2-day workshops, a year of project management support, regular online meetings and a site visit to your project.

QNI project leaders say the personal and professional benefits of undertaking a QNI innovation project are huge. They also bring an enhanced profile and wider recognition to the services they work for. The learning and development gained in the supportive environment of a QNI innovation programme enables nurses to reach their potential and inspire them to take their career to the next level. It also drives improvements in care for individuals, families, carers and communities.


If you have any admin queries, please email Aga Kusmierz at

You can find more about nurse-led innovation programme by reading the case studies from previous projects or watch a short film about a project led by Gerard Wainwright.


“Work in partnership with us to develop nurse-led innovation projects to benefit your community. ”

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